Father Engagement ServicesServing Newton County

Throughout history, fathers have been considered a valuable and important part of both a child’s and a family’s life. Recent research overwhelmingly supports the benefits that accrue to children and families through positive father involvement. This research also strongly points out the unique benefits that men gain through active involvement in fathering and family life. Nurturing fathering enhances the growth and well-being of men as well as children (and women who are a part of the family unit.)
Further research shows:
- Fatherless children have doubled since 1960
- Juvenile crime has increased six fold since 1960
- 73% of children in single parent families will spend time in poverty
Nurturing Fathers Program
The Nurturing Fathers curriculum, created by Mark Perlman of the Center for Growth & Development, is a 12 week program that was created to cultivate and support the attitudes and skills for male nurturance, hoping to benefit men, women and children in family relationships. A nurturing father is defined as “a man who actively provides guidance, love, and support to enhance the development and growth of children for whom he cares.” This curriculum is based on this premise and the goals of this program is to increase the nurturing skills of fathers and let go of old fathering practices that do not bring desired results. This curriculum will be used on an individual basis or in a group format. Some of the topics covered in this program include:
- Self-Nurturing Skills
- The Power to Nurture: Fathering without fear or violence
- Overcoming Barriers to Nurturing Fathering: Anger, Alcohol/other Substances, and Stress
- Discipline and Fun & Games
- Balancing Work and Parenting
- Nurturing Relationships: Fathering Sons and Fathering Daughters
- Nurturing Relationships: Teamwork between Father and Spouses/Co-Parent
All fathers will be administered the AAPI-II at the beginning of the program and again at the end to measure if their parent scores improved.
Other Services
Individual services may also include the following:
- Assistance in locating community resources
- Budgeting
- Connect participants with local child support offices
- Assist in helping participants obtain financial support of children
- Assist father in completing a genogram
- Refer participants to appropriate paternity testing sites
- Jail or incarcerated father
Referral For Services
Referrals for Father Engagement Services can be made in the following ways:
- Court/Probation
- Self-referrals
*Funded by Newton County Step-Ahead.